Crazy baby daddy. Help.


Okay so it’s kind of long but I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. I need advice. Back in August of 2019 we were only “together” dating for two weeks, I feel like that doesn’t even count. Things weren’t going good and I was like “okay I’m done” because he kept telling me he didn’t want to be with me because he wasn’t ready then he said I wasn’t ready. Felt like he was playing games. So I find out a few weeks later that I’m pregnant. I decide to do the right thing and tell him. Then all of a sudden he wants to be with me because of the baby. I told him no, that’s not how it works. I let him come to my first OB appt and when I step on the scale he laughs and says “you’re only going to get fatter” (mind you my son who was 6 now 7 was with me as well (I’m a single mom). first red flag. Then he makes my appt awkward. The nurse and m doc could tell. He leaves halfway through saying he has to pay his electric bill and he can’t just sit here. He called me to say he’s coming back to the appt I tell him “no don’t bother.” He gets mad. Then his ex wife and him are stalking me on fb and she’s messaging me calling me a child and I’m composed and send her a nice message to leave me alone. there are tons of messages from him and just the one from her. So I block her on fb. Then he begs me to quit my long term job to help him with his business at a restaurant and says I’ll get paid and everything and it’ll be easier on me. I tell him he has to keep his distance and give me space and just to help if I need help with baby stuff and don’t try to “get with me” or kiss me. He says he agrees. That didn’t happen. He always tried to hug me or kiss me not respecting my space or boundaries. He’s Mexican idk if that has anything to do with it but he really has lots of issues. He has backed me into a corner twice (more red flags) and has yelled in my face (I’ve been married and divorced twice both my ex husbands cheated on me and were abusive in many ways). I don’t need it. My kids don’t need it. He constantly showed up to my apt without notice and just begging me to always open the door, he’s covered my peephole too so I couldn’t see it was him. I tell my OB doc what’s going on and she agrees it’s not safe and he needs to leave me alone. One day I was at work helping him with his business and he lost his mind and threw a temper tantrum (he’s 37) and started saying congratulations to my sons father because I’m not giving the baby his last name. Saying he’ll take the baby from me and he won’t pay child support. I’m not married to this guy or anything. He backs me into a corner again and later he had a tray full of dishes and rammed it into my baby belly and I was having pain from that. I told my OB doc again what was happening. More red flags. Anyways, he quits doing the lunch special and I was never paid, I’m out $3,100 plus tips and he didn’t give me a penny. Moving forward. I move to a new city. Don’t tell him my address or anything. He keeps trying to threaten me saying he won’t give me the baby stuff he got unless he can drop it off. I don’t like being controlled or threatened. I’ve told him to leave me alone and stop harassing me and threatening me. He won’t quit. More red flags. His ex wife sends him pictures from my precious engagement 6 years ago and stalking me still on social media somehow and he gets in my face about it. So I block him on fb and social media too. He’s mad about that. Fast forward. So last week my photographer released a couple images from my maternity session, I’m currently 31 weeks pregnant, his friend sends him one with me in a tank top and bottoms and showing my belly, he sends me messages going off saying I’m naked and why can’t he see my belly and all these men saw me naked. It goes on and on. I wasn’t naked. No nipples or anything were showing. Mind you this was a maternity photo shoot and he is turning it around saying he knows everyone and that I didn’t talk to him to get his permission. Mind you we have not been together this entire pregnancy. He thinks he can control me and threaten me and say what I can or cannot do. He tries to tell me I can’t have this or I can’t have that. I’m not even with him. I haven’t been with him and he’s acting possessive and controlling and manipulative. I tell him to leave me alone and he still won’t quit. (He keeps trying to tell me he loves me and all this and I know for a fact this craziness is not love. He keeps trying to use his daughter against me saying she really likes me and all this and that she’s asking about me. I haven’t been around his daughter except a few times back in the summer.) He has caused me nothing but stress and caused drama that I don’t need. Yet he thinks he’s done nothing wrong and still won’t stop messaging me or leaving me alone. He went to my sister’s work up the street from where I live and he’s driving around to figure out where I live! He’s crazy. I seriously don’t know what to do and I need encouragement. He’s acting psycho. I need to protect myself and my kids. These are some of my maternity photos. I’m clearly not naked in any of them. He was trying to rob me of my joy. This pregnancy has been extremely hard on my body and I had this moment as an extremely happy one and he tried to take it from me. I know this was long but thank you for taking time to read it, I needed to get everything off my chest somehow especially with this coronavirus going around.