Miscarriage at 6 weeks


I was in my very first pregnancy and I never thought I could get pregnant so it was very exciting for me and my boyfriend. He had doubts about himself also. When we heard the news we were going to get an implant for birth control so it was ironic. Besides that we were so happy, we had an ultrasound that showed our precious baby. Then I started having bleeding and a little of it was clotting at that point I was worried instantly. My mom was visiting at the time and thank god she was cause I fell apart. I’m feeling that I failed my baby and my boyfriend and I just want our baby back. Obviously for me I was not ready to try again like a lot of my friends have shared with me. But now we are and I know when it does happen again I will be terrified. We’ve been through so much with our journey to be sober and we were homeless this time a year ago...we’ve come so far but now I feel like I did something wrong back then. I’ve only had 3 boyfriends before mine and I’m 26 so I don’t know what to do cause all I wanna do is give us a healthy baby. I’m still dealing with it obviously only almost 2 months later someone please help