First Ultrasound today


Super nervous and anxious right now.

Depending on which app I use, I’m either 7 weeks 1 day or 7 weeks 3 days. I’ve not gone this far before. My symptoms have been relatively OK up until the last week - I have days where I feel sick (never been physically sick) and days when I feel fine. Apart from ridiculous bloat and fatigue, that’s about it for me in the last couple of days. The company that is doing my ultrasound require a pregnancy test so I did it this morning. It was a strong positive but not one of these dye stealers I read so much about. Oh the irony of me giving advice to a lady the other day to not worry if you don’t get one 🤦🏼‍♀️ The last time I did a pink dye test was in week 5, and the test line was darker than the control line. So naturally I’ve spent all day going over everything. I really hope to see my baby today. That heartbeat, I need that heartbeat.

7.30 can’t come quick enough. I feel excited yet so sad at the same time

*update* your kind words helped calm me down this afternoon. I also had a nap which helped. Scan went well. The relief is indescribable. I’m measuring at 6 weeks 6 days and we saw the heartbeat. My heart is full