Very Vivid Dream

I had the most vivid dream about being pregnant. In my dream I woke up and was happy because I was finally 39 weeks pregnant . It was a regular day I went to a doctor appointment with my mom and boyfriend by my side 😊 . We went shopping for the last few thing we needed before the baby arrived. The end of my dream was the best part I laid down to go to bed a was messing with the baby girl to get her to move and make her kick count, when she did finally move I could see through my belly and see a a beautiful baby girl she had a head full of black hair ,my little nose , my boyfriends little butt chin and had chubby cheeks. I didnt want to wake up it felt like true bliss❤. I don't know if this could be a sign or just me hoping but I am 2 days late for my period to start🤷🏽‍♀️