Our little preemie girl is a FIGHTER đź’•

Sky • Preemie baby 🍀 2lbs 4oz

It’s been a rough week. Two days after Ellie was delivered, the doctor told us a head ultrasound revealed a grade 4 brain bleed in her right temporal lobe.

The bleed stopped on its own & we are waiting for the blood to start it’s healing process of bruising & reabsorbing.

We won’t know the extent of how much the bleed will effect her later in life, if at all. Only time will tell.

Other than news of her brain bleed, Ellie is doing really well. She is tolerating her feeds, breathing completely on her own, pooping frequently (yay!), bilirubin levels are staying low, and starting to enjoy her pacifier.

We are hopeful our little girl will continue to give us good news so we can bring her home before her daddy deploys to Afghanistan (oh yes that’s a curve ball I bet y’all weren’t expecting!)

We are taking things day by day and doing our best to stay positive for our girlđź’•