Started my nursery decor! Excited!

Samantha • Mommy of an angel boy 👼 💙🌈 and an earthside boy 🤰 expecting March 2023 👰 married 🐱🐱 fur-momma to two

I'm 25 weeks pregnant but decided while I'm staying inside, might as well do the decor I can. The door hanger will eventually have baby boys name on the top part and his info on the bottom when he is born. We are doing a Peter pan type theme for the nursery

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Such a cute theme! Pinterest had some really cute ideas


Samantha • Mar 29, 2020
Yes it does! I have a whole board with all my Peter pan theme pins! Lol I'm excited to try to get it together. We aren't sure if we are doing just a corner of our bedroom as the nursery or if we will be able to make a full nursery yet so that depends on what all I buy and make for it. Thank you for this pictures! Definitely some of the things I've been looking at


Posted at
I love the decor!!! It's super cute and you did a great job!!Can't stop thinking about how much of a sociopathic jerk peter pan actually was though 😂


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Yo are those teepees 😬