Physically exhausted from the lockdown


I am not even sure why I feel the need to write but every other attempts of feeling better failed.

I am pregnant with baby #2 due 5th of July and mom of a 2yo little girl. We have been on strict lockdown since a little more than 2 weeks now (in Europe). My hubby and I were both asked to work from home and our jobs are not slowing down (if anything the crisis generated an increase of work for both of us). We have to work 8 hours but often end up to work overtime (I did 11 hours straight of videocon for 4 days during the 1st week of lockdown).

On top of this, the daycare of our daughter closed. So she is with us 24/7 and needs a lot of attention. We work in shift to be able to look after her (I wake up super early and work in the morning while my husband do the afternoon/evening). My husband is still holding up for now (but who knows for how long) but I am already exhausted. I don't sleep enough, the baby is waking me up every half an hour during the night. I don't know how to go through the coming month of lockdown. I don't have any means of taking time off or getting help. I am afraid it will harm the baby.

Sorry for the rant. I am not expecting any solution, I know there are none. I also know some people are in more difficult situations and out on the frontlines to kill this virus. But I needed it out when nobody here can help me (my gp is not seeing any non corona patient, shrinks are not allowed to consult...)