When are/were your first appointments and why?


Obviously things are pretty crazy right now with COVID 19 and all of the concerns around going to the hospital/doctors office, so I was just curious as to when others are having their first visits, what they’re getting done, and what the reasoning was behind it (whether by you or your doctor)?

My first visit won’t be until I’m 10 weeks when I will get the panorama testing done, because my nurse said they are no longer doing the nuchal translucency screenings at 12 + weeks and are instead offering the NIPT, as they are trying to minimize those getting ultrasounds. This was over a message in the portal and then when I called to schedule the woman mentioned about typically first appointments being over the phone, but they will let me come in to get the test. I am a little nervous about going in, but even though I’m not over 35 and my first pregnancy was fine I really do still want the genetic testing. I’m a little freaked out I probably actually won’t have an ultrasound and be able to get dates until around 20 weeks for my anatomy scan though... and like, what if there are twins? I’m hoping we will be able to hear a heartbeat at my 10 week so I won’t have to worry about that as well, but who knows as it’s still on the early side!

Sorry for the long rant, but I am just a bit anxious about all this and pretty curious about how this is handled elsewhere. I live in MA btw!