Ultrasound FAIL


Had my 8 week transvaginal ultrasound done today and the sonographer forgets to get the baby’s heart rate. Calls me up 3 1/2 hours later and leaves two voicemails letting me know he needed me to come back in to get that done and it wouldn’t take long. Mind you, I live an hour south of the medical center, had to find childcare for the morning, my husband took off work, AND I’m already risking getting a stupid virus by going in where sick people are at all day. Sooo nope.. not coming back in for your mistake. I’m just so irritated. I thought it was weird that I didn’t hear the heartbeat or wasn’t told the rate but the guy kept going on and on about how he’s worked there forever so I didn’t want to be the annoying patient trying to remind him how to do his job. Apparently I should’ve spoke up 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was comforted by visually seeing the heart beating though ❤️ Sorry guys, hormones are full swing and this Mama bear is TIRED. Had to vent though 😂