Worried about ectopic


So I had my doctors appt yesterday, did an external ultrasound and the doctor didn’t find a gestational sac, he said I’m probably too early. I ovulated on the 25th it 26th of February, at 10DPO I got faint positives and the doctor did a urine test and was positive. I’ve had spotting on and off since the first of March. March 26th I got my first beta done and it shows 444, got my second yesterday and shows 996. But since Saturday I’ve started getting spotting that is more red like blood and less brown. Today, I’ve been having red blood with small dark clotting, it’s not heavy just when I pee but enough to be noticed. I messaged my doctor today and all he said back was hcg levels rising accordingly. So is this bleeding normal? I’m freaking out thinking I’m having an ectopic.