Upsetting phone call today from RE

My doctor called me today. She said she wanted to let me know that she's not happy with my HCG levels. She said they've been doubling, but just doubling and she wants them to be a bit higher. She said she was preparing me in case we don't see what we are hoping to see at Friday's ultrasound. I am sad and confused. She said my levels are on the low side of normal so it could be nothing but I guess she's avoiding is being blindsided again after 2 miscarriages this year. I asked her why this would happen since we had the PGD genetic screening. She told me it's rare, but that the embryo may not be able to recover from the biopsy even though it's normal. On one hand I guess it's better that I'm prepared. On the other hand I feel like she's put me into a state of worry until Friday morning. Everything I read- my numbers are still well within the normal range. But since they are just doubling that's not great? I don't know. I'm bracing myself.