Afternoon/evening sickness...replacing the morning sickness..ugh

This is killing me...i feel so shitty come 2pm...and it just worsens as the day goes on...i get more much saliva!! my body wants to vomit but..i wont let it...i cant like too!!...but the fullness i feel..i can feel in my throat! Like im full to the rim! But i dont pig out beforehand...i eat regularly... Oh and the exhaustion is the time i am home from work and see my spouse im beached on the couch...dont wna make dinner...cant walk the dog...feel friggen huge and disgusting...and go to bed at like 830..Lol... My poor spouse! I nvr see him! Lol... Anyways...does anyone have any suggestions to help combat or lighten these symptoms a bit...ive been drinking water... And eating popsicles...cold stuff helps but i cant live off popsicles and cold water for ever!! ... ..hhheeelllllpppp... 😩😩😟😟