34 days quarantined + 4dpo = 🤯


I'm losing it. I am only 4dpo, I know it's too early for anything to happen as far as symptoms. With all this time on my hands all I am thinking about us every little detail.. I feel like we had great timed sex, my predictions line with FF perfectly (got that solid crosshair for the first time!!!) and this morning my BBT was over 98°F (it never gets that high?!) and lastly.. for the first time FF has a suggested test date for me too.

My husband and I have been dreaming for this for so long and with everything that's going on were both lucky we still have jobs and still be able to try for a baby we have wanted so badly. I am down to one pregnancy test too, hoping of the hundreds I've bought it'll be my last.

What do you all think? Anyone get a big temp rise 4dpo only to wind up with a bfp? Could really use some hope about now!