Would it bother you?

Before I get the "you're divorcing, it shouldn't matter" comments, I want to start by saying I absolutely love my husband and that will never change.

So, I left my husband last Friday. We talked about it for a long time and realized our time together was up. We aren't compatible anymore so we mutually decided to split ways. Are we both happy about this decision? No. Are we both sad? Of course. But we decided it's what was for the best because we have just been making each other miserable the past year or so. The divorce papers have been signed and now we're just waiting for the coronavirus epidemic to be over so we can file.

I moved from Washington to Florida (where I grew up) and he stayed in Washington. We both decided to stay in contact and remain friends because we never hated each other. We also agreed to stay single until we both feel okay with the divorce. Sounds complicated, but we love each other and don't want to hurt each other.

Now to the irritating part. My best friend has been commenting and liking everything my husband has been posting on Facebook. Normally I wouldn't care, but she's bragged about sleeping with other women's boyfriends before so it worries me. My husband swears there's nothing going on and I trust him, but I feel like she might like him.

When I would vent to her about him, she would always defend him, even if he was in the wrong. She has mentioned a few times that she thinks he's cute (for example: when I was showing her our wedding pictures, she'd say, "he looks cute in this picture!"). He also looks a lot like her daughter's dad.

Am I just being dramatic? We each still have "married to ______" as our relationship status on Facebook so obviously we aren't moving on any time soon. So when I see her name pop up on ALL of his likes and comments, am I wrong to be bothered?

I can't really talk to her about this because she makes me feel like I'm being dumb, but I've definitely mentioned it to my husband.