Fertility blood test cycle day 21

Today I got my results back still feel as though I’m no further forward... it was the receptionist on the phone and she said “the results have come back slightly out of line as what we would consider normal but your doctor said not to worry for now”. I still have no idea what happens next, if I’m able to produce eggs, if I’m having a scan any time soon etc. Due to the corona circumstances a lot of my testing has been put on hold and my scans have been cancelled so

I’m thinking the doctor is just basically saying not to worry “for now” because they’re gonna deal with me later? Idk I’m lost and clueless so I’ve emailed my gp surgery asking for more in detailed results. I’m just worried I’m being a ”pain” to the nhs because of what’s happening but it’s taken me years to build up the actual courage to get these tests 😭