Was TTC then Covid... keep or terminate?

My husband and I started TTC in January. I just took a pregnancy test & it’s positive. I am pretty sure we conceived March 7 — the next week Covid-19 got real in our area and we have been self-isolating since then. My husband has a history of asthma & also lung infection so we are trying to be really careful. Before we knew I conceived we talked about me starting birth control again until this is all over. I was waiting for my period to know I was in the clear but it never came & now I’m pregnant.

I’m terrified of leaving the house in general but will have to either way now. If we keep it, I’ll have to go in for prenatal appts at the hospital where my OBGYN is. Alternatively, I can access a telemedicine appt to terminate but they still require an ultrasound appt before & after.

I’m pretty torn on what to do. We want a kid at some point and had decided we might as well go for it but everything is so scary right now & this is not what I envisioned. There are so many unknowns about the virus & very little knowledge on how it affects pregnancies, especially over the full course of development since it was first contracted by humans around 3 months ago.

I have no moral obligations to abortion and am 32 & clearly fertile (we got pregnant on my 2nd cycle of trying), so still have time to try again later. At the same time I wonder if we should just go through with it & if staying home right now honestly wouldn’t be the worst thing.

I’m mostly scared about exposure to/contracting the virus & bringing it home. My husband and I are otherwise pretty lucky and able to self-isolate and work from home right now. But my appts would be at a hospital & I’m also worried about our work from home directives being lifted in just a few months before it’s fully safe & us having to go back before a vaccine is developed or I can give birth. I’m also worried because my job said we don’t have to worry about layoffs through end of fiscal year (June 30) but what about after that?! Right now I’d be due in December & a vaccine isn’t projected until like Summer 2021.

Speaking of more and more info coming out — new studies have shown it can be transmitted via aerosol & survive in the air for up to 3 hours. New articles coming out are saying is very likely spread while even just talking/breathing. The CDC is now considering recommendations everyone wear masks if they have to leave the house. It’s not just surfaces to worry about. And you can be spreading it for up to 2 weeks before any symptoms present, so someone you think is perfectly healthy could be getting you sick without realizing it.