Boys boys boys


Okay so there’s a guys that works with

my dad that’s about 4 years older than me. So I’m 18 and he’s 22. 🤩

I met him a few days ago and then met him again today and he was helping around doing work for a few hours. He was chatting with me and my family.

It totally could have been imagination but there were a lot of times he was talking about something and then he would look my way and make eye contact. 😱

I decided to take a bit of a plunge and add him on Facebook! He accepted only a few minutes later. Now I have no idea what to do. He’s coming over again on Sunday to do some more work!

I haven’t dated anyone in a while, and last time it was a really close friend who I had grown up with so I wasn’t concerned with all this silly stuff + there were only 3 years between us. 🙏🏼

Should I add him on insta? Send him a message? Leave him be? See how things play out on Sunday??

Someone give me some advice 💛