Conflicting Opinions. Should I Stay with him?

So my partner and I have been dating nearly a year and have know each Other longer than that. I love this man, part of my heart wants to spend my life with him and have children one day as it’s something we both want.

Another part feels unloved and wanting more from him. He hugs and kisses me a lot but when it comes to emotion he doesn’t express it well. For example he accidentally penetrated my anus while having sex in the dark and when I cried from pain he turned around and went to sleep. He was drunk and says he didn’t know how to deal with the guilt he had from hurting me so went into a depression sleep.

I do things for him to make him feel special and tell him how handsome he is, but he doesn’t do that for me. Christmas, Valentine’s Day and my 21st birthday all past without him making any effort to do/say anything to make me feel loved. I know it’s selfish to be upset over not getting a gift, but even a sweet message would have been nice. I know how he feels about me and I have no doubt his feelings are real, but he doesn’t know how to express emotions or love like I do.

I’m his first actual serious partner and he’s expressed he doesn’t know how he’s meant to act.

I don’t know why to do