What to do?!

Long story short i love my wife and she’s a great woman but I’m not happy and haven’t been for a long time. I’m not exactly sure what to do we’ve been together since high school 12+ years, we have a kids together (legal adoption). I don’t wanna break up my family but i don’t want to stay where I’m not happy. Someone give me some advise!!!

Edit: i honestly feel smothered. It’s like i can’t do anything or talk to anyone without her standing 2inches from my face or catching an attitude. Someone could literally just say hey walking by and her response would be “don’t get cut” 😳like wtf all they said was “hey”! It’s gotten to the point where if I’m home from work it’s a problem if I’m up and about cleaning the house and not laid up under her. 😳i can’t even clean my own home?!

Edit #2 i have talked to her about it and things will change for about 2 weeks and she’s right back at it.