I'm going anonymous

Okay so I'm going anonymous for this but I need some help from you ladies. So my babies father has another kid to his ex...knew that getting into the relationship. His son lives in Arkansas with the baby mom and rest of family...that's where he's from and he moved up here for work. Well things were perfect until I went through his phone one night catching him saying I love you to her and all that. This was all after I found out I was pregnant. Well when I told him he needed to say something to her he said no because he doesn't wanna risk losing his son because she's done something like that before. His family knows nothing about me. He told me he planned on getting me pregnant and having a family with me. But he still has his online dating profile up. Okay so they still share a Facebook page and every time I bring it up to him, he never wants to talk about it and he ignores me. Well just recently, I stayed at his house and things were perfect. Well literally 2 days later, he started ignoring me and then 5 days later, he text me flipping out because I blew up his phone when he was visiting his dying grandfather. I left a note on his doorstep, thinking he was at work and he would see it...well I told him that and he said "what good does a damn note do when you can text my phone??" Dude, I was you weren't answering. And it's going on 2 weeks since I've heard a single thing from him. He refuses to tell his "ex" and his family about me and she is still updating the Facebook like they're still together. What do I do?! I'm heartbroken :(