I need to vent. So this will be a looonngg post

So I have these friends I care about but their so insensitive and rude without realizing it.. my husband and I go out of our way to treat them the best like buying them food to feed them as well as buying them groceries to help out because they have a son who we consider our nephew he’s only 2. But when it comes to us needing even the littlest bit of help they turn a blind eye they say things like “damn that sucks, but guess what I made for dinner” or “glad I’m not in that position because I have a good job” they never make an effort to come see us at our home they only ever want us to go to their house which I find so ridiculous considering how much they tell us they “miss us” and “want to hang out” Earlier this year we helped them out save a lot of money because we ordered new couches and they needed couches we offered our old ones that were in great condition and they accepted but all they did was complain about the dog hair (we have a little dog and he barely sheds) and the couches smelled fine really there was no smell at all we barely sat in the living room and I always bathe my dog because I like when he smells clean but they went out of their way to buy all the cleaning supplies and super soaked the couches as if they were so disgusting and on top of that just trashed half the set. We gave it to them free of charge because they needed it but we had people offering to pay for them because again it was in great condition. They ALWAYS brag about how much money they have or how their better than us because they have more money and a better job. Every time my husband and I accomplish something they go out of their way to one up us. Like my husband and I finally after a two year project completely restored a car that in the condition we got it from was trash and we sunk money into it and fixed it up to like new our friends were “happy” for us but went out of their way yet again to buy a brand new truck when they already had 2 cars. This car would be my husband and I’s first vehicle and they purposely asked to hang out with us just to show off their truck and kept saying things like “do you like MY truck” “it was so expensive but isn’t it sooo nice” “do you like the color is so pretty oh my gosh” then have the nerve to say “my truck is better than your car you know” LIKE WTF STOP BEING A DICK. Anyways whenever we do go to hang out at their house all they do is show off the new things they got because it’s just so fun to show us what they have. Oh look a new laptop. Oh look a new tv. Oh look bought another gun. Oh look at how much money I spent on my sons room. Oh look how much food I bought. Just bragging about everything. My husband and I never cared for all these materialistic things or whatever they buy because we personally just think everything is temporary. It can break or be replaced so not a huge deal to us. So I didn’t appreciate all that extra ness. Also we found out we were pregnant and went to announce to them and their reaction was which pissed me off so fucking much they said “I’m telling you you’re not ready to be a parent” while laughing in my husbands face. WHO TF DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!! We blow it off like that was rude but whatever and we go out of our way to buy food to everyone because we’re celebrating like hey we just found out we’re expecting our first kid super exciting time anyways we buy take out and everyone who is there starts eating all the food, not a single thank you, please, nothing. I sat in silence. The next day my husband and I go over because we’re invited yatta yatta we mention that we were hungry because we haven’t eaten all day. They say yeah us too mind you yesterday we bought food for EVERYONE because we knew everyone was hungry. They buy food only for themselves and eat in front of us then after have the nerve to be like “y’all should buy you something to eat if you’re hungry” which to me is so rude because I don’t think they understand how inconsiderate and rude that was and I KNOW they shouldnt be obligated to do things the way we do but we’ve been friends for a really long time and you would think they’d pick up on how to treat us based on how we treat them but they’ve just never changed they only think about themselves and the rare times they do things for us they say things like “you better fucking say thank you” “y’all better be grateful” like we’re soooo different in how we treat each other I’ve decided I would like to see them AS LEAST AS POSSIBLE. I don’t have time for people who treat my husband and I like that when we treat them like family. That and I have a kid on the way so now I only ever think about my husband of course and myself and soon to be here baby. If you read all this I appreciate it and all this anger built up over the last 2 years and the last straw for me was the comment about how they didn’t think we were ready to be parents. So yeah that was my rant/vent session and it feels good to get it off my chest and no I’m not jealous of them because I have a husband who loves me and cares about me and a beautiful baby on the way and pretty soon will have our new home (we’re moving) and life for us Will be good so I don’t care about what they have just dont appreciate being treated like that you know ? But anyways thanks for reading this all of you did. Rant/vent session over