Needing to put my dog Jewels up for adoption


I live in ada Oklahoma


I actually posted this post to see if someone around our area new someone who would like to take her in but now it seems that it has become a post for some to judge my character. I would like to get some things straight I said that my husband and Jewels but heads I never said she was aggressive to him she was like the 1st month we were together but that ended she just lays on the floor and refuses to do what he asks the are just both stubborn. Jewels first started showing agression towards our son about 5 months ago I started taking her on more walks and giving her, her own space and I thought it was working because it stopped but in March she snapped at him again I got onto her and thought I fixed the problem but then it happened again I talked with my husband and this was the only conclusion we could both be happy with. Believe me when I say this decision was not taken lightly it was rehome her to a family I we chose, isolate her in a cage outside, chain her outside, or and the worst ever euthanize her. So we decided that Jewels and I would be happier to rehome her. We have another dog she is about 3 1/2 and she shows no aggression towards our son at all we also got her at 3 months old. We love animals we rescued a stray from our town about 3 months ago rehomed him after cleaning him up and feeding him and getting him well. Due to the economy right now my husband lost his job in march and I am a stay at home mom so neither of us have a job and it isn't easy finding one right now because of the virus.

So please before you assume to know someone's character and life dont go judging me. I am sure there would be others judging me for keeping Jewels in my home when she is threatening our son. This choice does hurt but I know it is the right one for my family. Dont tell me I dont love my dog and I am a horrible person and I shouldn't have had a dog or a child when what I am doing here is protecting my son the only way I can right while trying to give Jewels a good life without having to be chained or pinned for the remainder of her days. And if you would like me to get her trained and keep her I so would but we dont have the money but hey if you do and you want to help pay for it I am all ears because like I said I don't want to give her up it's just the only option we can see right now. Here is a picture of us walking before march when she was okay with my son and we were on a walk a couple months back.