I’ve been with my boyfriend for 2 years and I haven’t seen one friend/cousin or anyone to hang out with in 2 years. I’m really getting depressed and lonely because I can’t see or talk on the phone with them. He started to hate my best friends when we first started dating and ever since then we parted our ways besides texting every now and then. But he hates it I answer their calls or really mention them at all. I tell him to take me to hang out with a girl and he always wants to tag along or wait for me outside. So I end up not going. Mean while we go with his friends once every blue moon and he can chat it up in the store when he sees them. Because his friends are “cool” and aren’t ratchet and so on. Saying why would I hang with those “types of friends” . My friends aren’t bad people at all. Their just not his type of personalities he’d hang with. He always tells me it’s them or him and these past two years it’s ALWAYS been him. I think it’s really unfair💯 he’s even gone to the point to ask his family (whom we live with) and their old school and also take his side not knowingly because it’s their grandson/nephew. They tell me I need to be a woman now and move past the hanging out with friends stage. That I can go to the store an such with his aunt or grandmother. Mind you I don’t even speak Spanish and I’m young. Theyre great and all but we’re not even the same age and I really miss my own friends. That would be like me telling him to hang with my dad and older men damn near 40-50 years old. I made a post saying I miss my old friends and he got angry , asked me what I meant , I told him exactly, I MISS HAVING FRIENDS. And he got angry and slammed the door and went upstairs to his family (we stay downstairs in the finished basement) . I can’t take this anymore. I feel so isolated. My mother is too far up my step dads ass so I don’t even have her & my sister always blows me off even after she’s the one who invited me , which makes no sense. And my brother is in prison so I can’t call him because I don’t work rn to pay for calls. I have no one and my friends were the only people I ever had before I started dating my boyfriend. I don’t know what to do anymore. He never listens to me because to him he hates them and I shouldn’t forgive them (we had gotten into an argument but what best friends of 6 years don’t!!!) besides this one and only thing he’s actually a great guy and very sweet and is there for me but when it comes to me wanting a tattoo or wanting to see my old friends , he threatens to end our relationship or that he’s going to take MY phone and shut my service off. ( he broke my previous phone i paid for and replaced it but in his name) some days he’s overwhelmingly sweet and nice and willing to talk and days like this he’s disrespectful and spiteful. I’ve never been this low my entire life. I don’t see the point of continuing💯Can someone please give me advice besides leaving him. I know this situation is toxic but I don’t want to throw everything away. He’s all I have and he’s the only who’s been here when my parents stopped caring and when I was in the hospital and so on. Anything would help. I’m literally begging. People scroll pasts posts like these but I just wish one person would comment and not think I want attention. The last thing I want is attention. I just want help. I have no one to talk to. I’ve thought about killing myself , I do almost every day but I really do believe in God and knowing if I killed myself I’d go to hell. So I try not to have suicidal thoughts. I don’t know if I’m exaggerating sometimes or do I really have depression.