Relationship issues during pregnancy

Hey everyone so I’ve debating posting anything on this but I want to know others opinions and what advice you could possibly give. I am 29 weeks pregnant and this pregnancy has posed quite a few relationship issues with my fiancé. We’ve been having arguments and we now live together and are waiting the arrival of our baby boy. I recently got furloughed from my full time job which he was supportive about and I will eventually be back to work when all of the virus blows over. Our families are supportive of everything and it has been super positive from everyone considering I’m 20 and he is 22 and we got pregnant then ended up getting engaged at our gender reveal, it’s been so good but as the pregnancy has went along he seems so unbelievably irritated with absolutely everything thing I do. One issue stemmed from my middle sister going off on him when I was still living at my parents house he had stayed the night and the morning came and he came in my room to wake me up and I had went to the bathroom and came back and she came in and went off on him for being in my bed and all of that(I know how stupid and silly that sounds considering we’re expecting and engaged) but unfortunately he’s really never gotten over that situation and he says he hates how she talks to me which I agree, my middle sister has always been unbelievably hateful and negative to me ever since I was little, me and her have never gotten along and she constantly tries to make me feel bad about myself, well the same sister who went off is actually the same age as my fiancé so she is 22 and she still lives at home and so he never really wants to go see my parents because she is there and he is worried he will go off on her if she starts something (which most likely will happen she just loves to start shit), but my parents see that he doesn’t try to come there that much and I feel like I have to make excuses and I have told them the reason but they obviously think he needs to just forget that situation and move on but I’ve told him the same and he just needs to be the bigger person but he still won’t let it go, my dad also

Isn’t the nicest person to me so that’s another reason he isn’t fond of seeing them (my parents are still married) but every time I go to visit my parents my dad constantly asks to see my stomach and makes comments laughing and asking “let’s see if you have stretch marks” and makes rude comments about it which obviously makes me feel like shit. It’s been overall good for my mental health finally being out of their house, we’ve been living on our own for almost a month now but it seems like he would rather play his video games and kind of be away from me, we did have a fight about sex and I felt horrible because my sex drive wasn’t as high and it used to be and we had a heart to heart over it and eventually that kind of went away, but I’ve been having super bad pain and pressure anytime we have sex so we haven’t been able to do it because he doesn’t want to hurt me which I feel guilty because I want to please him. He truly is an amazing man and I have never loved someone more than anything in this world. I’m truly can’t imagine my life without him especially when our son gets here, I truly do want to be his wife and we made a commitment when he proposed and I don’t want to give up our relationship. But last night a situation happened and I got upset that when we were going to bed he grabbed the lube and said “I’ll be right back” and he went to the bathroom to jack off and obviously watch porn to get it done and when he came back I asked why he didn’t tell me that he was horny because I would’ve helped him out instead of him watching porn and all that and he said “well I figured you were tired” and then I mentioned the question of “if we were okay” and he said yes but then I kept asking other questions and he ended up saying that I have been getting on his nerves so much lately and he likes it better when were in different rooms, he mentioned I annoy him so much by talking a lot (while watching tv, a movie and other things) he also mentioned I cut him off a lot often he is talking which I will admit is a very bad habit of mine but I don’t do it on purpose it just happens and when I do it I realize and know he’s going to be upset after it’s already happened, but he said he feels like we’re two completely different people and he doesn’t feel like we have similar interests and he said he just doesn’t feel a spark anymore. Which obviously made me start crying and freaking out and he was just trying to go to bed but I kept trying to get him to talk to me and he truly just seems like he has checked out and isn’t trying and I feel like it’s my fault because I didn’t notice how bad I’ve been affecting him, I feel guilty for our relationship falling apart, I told

Him we need to talk about it all, we ended up talking some last night but it was mainly just me telling him how I know things have been so hard and how pregnancy can really affect a relationship and it’s made it super hard for us because I do complain a lot about aches and pains and all that from pregnancy but he seems like he doesn’t care when I say those things and that is just annoying to him which upsets me because I feel like he truly doesn’t see how hard a woman’s body works to grow a baby and all the changes it goes through and emotionally and physically. I’m not really sure what I need to do. I don’t want to lose him and I’m scared it’s too late if he’s already checked out in his head to fix our relationship. I would do anything to fix it because I can’t see myself with anyone else, and I want our son to grow up in a loving family, I just don’t know if he is in this anymore and he says he won’t leave me or our son but I don’t want him to just be with us and be unhappy the whole time. It’s scaring the absolute shit out out of me please help with any advice.