This cycle..

🎄☃️❄️Kayla❄️☃️🎄 • 27 yrs old & mother of 3 sons Aiden, Eli & Leo ❤️ TTC 3 years, 2 miscarriages & now sweet Leo is 3 months! 💞💖💖
Well, gave in & bought Preseed! 2 weeks ago haha. My fertile window just ended as ovulation was yesterday. Along with adding B Complex with my prenatal, husband started taking a multivitamin as well cause I wanted to increase his Zinc intake as it's ideal for male fertility! But along with those, we used Preseed every time we had sex! Probably 5 days out of 7 of the fertile week. Maybe even 6 days. Praying for a BFP in a week or so! Hoping we did it!!!