Taking a pregnancy test



How long would you wait to take a pregnancy test?

I’m a day late and terrified to take a test. I had a miscarriage on feb 8th and it was emotionally draining. The doc was pleased how I released on my own without meds and she gave me the clear go ahead after I got my period on time in March. My husband and I tried again during ovulation so I cross fingers for positivity. I heard you are more fertile after a miscarriage so I’m trying to keep positive. I will be 42 in the next two weeks and this would be the greatest gift

Just wanted to know everyone’s thoughts.

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Posted at
Just test.. first day of missed period should be ok


Posted at
Glad I didn’t take one as my period came. I would have been disappointed


Almerinda • Apr 7, 2020
We are the same age and yes the waiting is horrible. I wish you baby dust and hopefully this will be pregnancy month. Let me know


👮‍♀️Ale Ramirez⚖ • Apr 7, 2020
Isn't it horrible, the waiting the tests lol. Well I wish you baby dust soon. This Friday is AF for me, praying it doesn't show. Fingers crossed, I'm 41.