First IUI tomorrow 11/4

I'm so nervous! We got 29% motility and PCOS. First cycle I did just Femara and ovulated according to OPKs but no BFP. This cycle Femara cd 5-9, ultrasound day 13 showed 2 follicles at 14mm and 15mm and 5mm lining so not great :/ started estradiol and triggered at 1.30am on 11/4, have my <a href="">IUI</a> at 1.30om on 11/5 (tomorrow). I'm so worried my follicles are not mature enough or my lining too thin or I ovulate too early or late or hubbys sperm will not be great :/ BDed 3 days before <a href="">IUI</a> so... Ugh this is so stressful