Is this irresponsible? ttc?

I just want to very clearly state that I'm posting about myself. And only myself. If we're honest, I don't really care if other people are TTC during a global pandemic. Just looking for people to reassure me or let me know I'm crazy.

Anyways. I was supposed to have my baby last month. We had a stillbirth at 27 weeks before Christmas. So that absolutely sucked. I filled my spring/summer up with travel plans and concerts, intending to ttc in August 2020. Well. Now those plans are all cancelled because of COVID-19.

I went off my birth control two weeks ago cause I figured I would rather get pregnant asap vs being pregnant or newly post partum through summer 2021 (which will be highly anticipated).

I feel crazy for going off birth control since I just lost a child 3 months ago. I feel crazy for attempting to have a child during this uncertainty. Knowing I have pregnant friends that are nervous and having to do telemedicine appointments.

I'm also a bit uneasy because my husband was furloughed last week, he's got potential to get freelance work or a new job but its a bit unnerving to go from two incomes to one.

We are shelter in place with our two year old, unsure if she will have a daycare to go back to whenever this is all done (whole other thing to consider, if EVERYBODY is having these supposed coronavirus babies all at the same time, there's gonna be very few infant daycare openings all at once)

So is it too soon? Too irresponsible? Too financially crazy? Too selfish? Glow says I ovulate on Saturday, we've been every other since Friday. Do we keep on keeping on?