It’s been over a year since me and my ex broke up, but he always appears in my dream.

One of the dreams was that me and my current bf went to a house party, and I see my ex there. I quickly hide and it seem like my ex and my bf know each other. They start talking and my bf tells me to come over. My ex doesn’t make the situation bad he just says “my gfs over there. We should all definitely hang out.” I walk out of the house and my ex follows. After that the setting changes and I’m now at a mall. From afar I see my ex and it looks like he’s aged and he’s just walking around. I try to hide and that most of the dream me just trying to hide from him. The weird think that I thought was why was his gf never with him.

Recently I had another dream and it was just a mention of him. I saw his gf walking around with someone else and they were holding hands. I was shocked by it and I began wondering if they broke up.

I don’t know what is going on because I’ve always had dreams about him. Especially when the break up was recent. I had a dream of a lady with a light blue dress and she was just brushing my hair and telling me to not worry because he would come back. NOW I DONT KNOW WHY HE KEEPS POPPING UP