Baby taking too long to nurse


My baby is 11 weeks today and he's been super social and playful ever since he discovered talking and singing. He loves tummy time and singing with music. He also enjoys talking to people. These are all great but they are getting in the way of his eating. He would stop in the middle of nursing and start chatting with me. If I don't respond he would start crying and won't eat. Sometimes he would just start crying in the middle of nursing and wants to do tummy time. What I started doing is wake, eat, play, eat, sleep, it worked out okay because he ate better after he got his socializing out of the way, but recently he seems to have lost interest in eating and just wants to play. He would barely eat after he wakes, then he wants to play. I limit play time to only 10 minutes to give us enough time to get back to eating after, but he would fall asleep and not get a full feed. Then he wakes up after 10 minutes and wants to nurse again, which is usually way past his awake window and he gets cranky. And then at the end, we end up only having about 1 hour to nap time before it's time for the next feed.

Anyone's LO also became more social and ate less at around the same age? How can I help him eat more and still have enough time to play? Is this just a phase? I barely have any time to myself all day because of his desire to socialize and play.