Help: non-stop yeast infection for 6 months!

I have seen 3 doctors and have taken at least 10 doses of flucanazole. I’ve done OTC and prescription antifungal treatments. I’ve also used boric acid for 10 days. NOTHING IS MAKING IT GO AWAY!

My recent test shows I have the run of the mill strain of yeast and that I don’t have any good bacteria in my vagina. So I guess without the good bacteria it’s not keeping the yeast in check? How do I shove some good bacteria down in there?! Lol. I’ve also taken probiotic supplements to help and NOTHING... just a lot of cramps lol.

I am so frustrated and now anxious about it. I’m constantly itchy and it burns horribly sometimes. I’m lucky I am WFH right now because of the coronavirus, so I can change underwear 2-3X/day and rinse during the day because the discharge is SO bad. (Sorry, tmi.) I tried using pantyliners but then the combination of discharge and a liner gives me horrible rash.

I’ve never had any problems in my life related to yeast infections. I might have had one episode 5 years ago and just used OTC stuff and it went away immediately.

WTF is going on w my body? I thought it was related to wine, so I stopped drinking it and it’s still here.

Any other suggestions? I am losing my mind...

Thank you!