After a miscarriage, 2 years TTC and and infertility referal we have our 🌈👶🏻


So I was told a few years back that I had PCOS. I had just had my first pregnancy and miscarriage and was completely heartbroken 😞. My husband and I have been trying since 2018 to get pregnant again. Every month I cried as the tests were negative and every-month I convinced myself I was pregnant even though deep down I knew I wasn’t. Every test shattered me to my core.

My periods became super irregular in the last two years. My hormones were out of wack and back in December 2019 I skipped my period for two months. I went to see a new OBGYN at the end of January and she basically told me conceiving would be nearly impossible for me. She did lots of test and expressed concern that I was not actually ovulating and that’s why I had not gotten pregnant. She gave me 3 infertility clinic referrals and I left the office in tears. I cried so much and I felt like my body had let me down.

This week I’ve had a horrible stomach bug. I just haven’t been feeling very well and this morning I woke up extremely nauseous. I realized I was 10 days late but didn’t think much of it since my period is always so irregular. My husband and I ventured outside to go grocery shopping and I picked up a pregnancy test just to make sure it was negative since I was planning on having a virtual girls night. I was so convinced the test would be negative. I was so enveloped in the doctors words that I did not let myself even have a glimmer of hope for the test.

Well, 2 months after being told conceiving would be extremely difficult without medical help we have a little rainbow baby 🌈 joining us November 2020