Constipation 🤔

Jessica • Wife 💍• Girl Mom x2 💕

My girl will be 9 months on the 13th and is still primarily EBF. She eats a few bites of a scrambled egg, some avocado, and occasionally a fruit for breakfast with a few sips of water. She will sometimes have an afternoon snack of veggie straws, and gum on an apple slice, and she rarely eats dinner but if she does, it’s normally a few bites of green beans, maybe a bite of a sweet potato, she’s just not a big eater and would much rather nurse. My question is, she is so constipated and I have no idea why! She has plenty of wet diapers but goes days without pooping and when she does, I can tell that she is struggling and it’s normally a hard ball (sorry, TMI!). There is NOTHING in her diet that should constipate her..I’ve started to give her a few bites of prunes with each meal but again, she doesn’t love to eat so I pretty much have to force feed her. She doesn’t seem to be uncomfortable or in any pain..I’m just at a loss as to what is causing it! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Any insight is greatly appreciated!