Are you kidding me?

Well ladies I just waisted 6 six years of my life on a man who wants to use me for papers. He's an immigrant and I see the struggles he faces. Tonight we were talking about marriage (im 26 and he's 25). He told me he'll be happy to marry me for papers. I told him excuse me? I was speechless. I asked him happy to marry me for papers so using me? He said it's his ultimate goal is for him to get papers with or without me. He says I don't know the struggle he faces as an immigrant which I do because I saw it first hand with my dad a couple years ago before I met him. I told him I want to marry him because I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, because he's the love of my life, my best friend but apparently he see's it differently. I completely understand how hard it is to be in his shoes but I mean to use me for papers? Then what thank you and divorce? This is a huge red flag. We've been together for 6 years and now he's telling me this? I'm just going to get hurt in the end and he doesn't care as long as he gets his papers? I told him if we ever do get married, I wouldn't give him papers right away. I mean why? Because I have to because I'm your wife now? Before I got with him I knew this topic would come up eventually but I mean to be demanding about giving him papers, to be saying his ultimate goal is for him to get papers. Please tell me I'm wrong.