Would you get married if you were me?

So me and my boyfriend have been together for six years now. Even though that sounds like a long time, we’ve only been adults for 3 years. We started dating at 14 and now we’re 21. We moved in together when I turned 18 and haven’t turned back since. Well I’m in a dilemma. My parents are in the military and I’m on their health insurance. They have a policy that unless I am a full time college student I don’t get to stay on their plan after I’m 21. I turn 21 in one month and I can not afford to go school full time. I’m currently in my third year and my financial aid does not cover barely anything so I can only afford two classes at a time. I refuse to take out loans and be in debt. Well, this health insurance is really stressing me. So I called my school to see if there is anything I can do to get a scholarship or something and they said no. My parents make too much. But she said if I got married they can go off my income and mine is barely anything so my tuition would basically be covered. So my bf just said what if we got married so I could go to school full time for cheap and keep my insurance plan. (They allow you to stay on even if you’re married) and I started to wonder what if? Should I get married so I can keep my health insurance and get basically free school? Would you?

I love him to death and we’ve talked about marriage many times. Weve been living together for 3 years now, we have been raising a pup for two years. Just some insight about us lol

I just would love some insight. Please don’t be mean, just need some advice.

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