Just some fun


Something cute to entertain us during the COVID19....

Name? Moose

•What breed are you? Saint Bernard

•How old are you? 23 weeks

•What’s your favorite human food? Bacon 🥓

•What are you scared of? Those big digging machines 🚜

•Favorite toy or thing to play with? My elephant🐘

•What’s something you don’t like? Steak

•Favorite things to do? Playing fetch, chasing the hooman siblings, sleeping

•Have any other furry siblings? A Pomeranian/Bichon frise brother, he's old and grumpy but likes when I lay with him

•Something you get in trouble for? I'm a pretty good boy, but my mom doesn't like when I jump and always says no. And my hooman brother doesn't like when I steal his blankey and run away.

•Where do you sleep? In my crate

•Do you go to a groomer? Haven't been yet what's that?

•Do you like car rides? I love the car! It's my favorite! I try jumping in Everytime mom takes me outside

•Do you snore? Oh yeah 😴

Pass the time and share about your dog(s)!

All of your kitties and doggies are adorable 😍

Here's a bonus photo of Moose. Moose is my SD in training.