Not ready for sex...

I’m almost 16 and I feel like something’s wrong with me because the thought of having sex makes me really uncomfortable. It seems as though everyone my age is “a freak” especially boys but girls too. It’s not that I don’t get horny, I even touch on myself regularly, but when a boy tries to talk or get sexual with me it makes me feel uncomfortable and feels like if I start doing things with him, he’ll start to only want me for that, even though I know that’s not true. It makes me really insecure because it seems everyone is having and enjoying sex, and that I’ll be alone until I’m ready because there aren’t any boys that feel the way I do. I absolutely refuse to be pressured into sex by a boy, but I hate that boys don’t look at me the same because I’m “so innocent”. I wish I was just more normal I guess. I just wanna vibe with someone & have a deep connection & relationship without sex:( I’m not asexual I’m just not ready, you know? I’m realizing more as I grow up how much the world & relationships revolve around sex and it just kind of makes me sad.