Linkin Alexander has finally arrived❤❤


This is long and most likely triggering.

So Tuesday night, the 31st, my boyfriend and i went to the hospital for my scheduled induction. With all the screenings, registrations, and paper work it wasnt till 10pm that i was actually induced. My doctor came in and checked me, i was only at a 1, and inserted cytotec. I immediately started having cramps. At 2 am, my nurse came in and checked me again and i was still at a 1 so she inserted another dose of cytotec. The cramps got more intense and my back was killing me. 6 am rolled around and my nurse came in and checked me again and i was still at a 1. Even though my contractions were getting worse i wasnt progressing. She decided the not give me any more cytotec and leave the decision of what to do next up to the doctor. Finally i was able go get some sleep. At 10 am the doctor on call comes in and checks me and im still at a 1. So she inserts cervidil hoping some progression would start. I got up and started moving around. My boyfriend had me follow him around the room, because of restrictions we couldnt walk the halls, and would give me hugs or kisses when i got to him. We spent all day wandering around the room or on the birthing ball i was having contractions so bad, i couldn't stand up straight and i was in tears. I thought for sure i would be dilated more. At 10 pm my nurse came in and checked me and i was still at a 1. I laid there and cried because I'm going through all this pain and nothing was happening. So she inserted some more cervidil. The contractions and back pain intensified through out the night causing another sleepless night. At 4am my nurse came in and got my vitals and told me that the doctor would be in at 10am to check me because there were 2 c sections scheduled and someone was in active labor. But at 6:30 my nurse and the doctor come in and take out the cervidil and check me again and im still at a 1. So they give me morphine and insert a balloon and i sleep like a baby after that. My boyfriend went to get some food and when he came back, i woke up and started throwing up. They told me that i needed to eat because later my doctor would be in to give me pitocin and i would not be able to eat after getting it. Everytime i ate, i would get sick to my stomach. I felt like i couldnt sit down because if the balloon inside of me. So i either walked, very awkwardly, or laid down. My doctor came in at 4pm and pulled the balloon out, that was a fun feeling, and showed it to me. All i could say was, that was inside of me?? My doctor checked me and i was finally at a 4!! Active labor had started! Finally some progress. My doctor then told me i could get the epidural at any time. I wanted to try to ride out the contractions till i was at least to a 6. They started me on pitocin and i immediately started having the most painful contractions. I was up walking around trying to breath through them. My nurse would come in and up the dosage by 2 every 30 minutes. The contractions were 7 minutes long got so bad i started throwing up again. My blood pressure started getting really high and I gave in and asked for the epidural. While they were giving me the epidural, my blood pressure was fluctuating between 160s/120s and 180s/140. But my baby was still doing great. After they were done giving it to me my blood pressure dropped down to 80/40 and i started throwing up again and the baby did not like the way I was laying while throwing up. They gave me several doses of medication to get my blood pressure to stabilize. My contractions, not that I could feel them after that, were causing my baby some distress and my doctor came in and decided for my health and my childs health that he needed to do a c section. They spent an hour trying to get an IV in me. My veins are deep so it was hard the entire stay to get an IV in. Finally the anesthesiologist came in and got one in my arm and then made me more numb. And they rolled me to surgery with my boyfriend not far behind. Once i was in the OR and they had everything ready to go, they let my boyfriend in. My doctor had my baby boy out in 1 minute! But while this was all going on, i started coughing up blood. The entire surgery i coughed up blood, i thought I was dying. Then my epidural started wearing off near the end and i felt my doctor finish stitching me up. All in all, it was tramatic. But i got my baby boy out of it.

Linkin Alexander

Born April 2nd

8Ibs and 5oz

21 inches long

I have never felt so much love for anyone in my life❤❤