I’m cheating on my husband... I didn’t mean to


LOOK AT HOW ADORABLE HE IS THOUGH!!! His name is Buddy. The day after Christmas last year one of my girlfriends called me saying that she had found a dog on a busy road but didn’t know what to do. Poor thing was thrown out of a car while still in a crate. He was all scratched and his nails were broken and bleeding because he broke himself out of the crate. I brought him home with me and surprised my husband 😊 I’ve never seen a grown man so excited in my life. We took him to the vet the next day and got everything he needed. He fit in perfectly with our family. He’s such a sweetheart ❤️ poor thing doesn’t like anyone cutting his nails though. We’ve tried so many times to bring him to the vet and groomers, but he doesn’t like it at all. I ordered a kit to do it myself so we’ll see how that goes!