Rude ultrasound tech?!?!?!? UPDATE!!!

Ashley • Due April 24th 2016 ❤️
UPDATE: So I picked my hubby up from work today and told him about how upset I still was about my experience and how not knowing the sex of our baby yet was really driving me mad and he said we could pay the $100 to have the elective 4D Early Gender ultrasound done!!! I called Baby Envision right away and I have an appointment with them this Sunday! I couldn't be more excited and happy! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful man! ❤️ Thank you ladies for all of your support today! 
I went in at fifteen weeks to have an ultrasound done and I asked the ultrasound tech to try and see the sex of the baby and she said absolutely not. She was completely rude to my fiancé and I and said she won't waste her time looking because it "won't be 100% accurate anyways" I had literally been waiting since I was 9 weeks for this specific ultrasound because I thought I would be able to find out the sex of my baby or at least look to try and guess based on what I saw. She completely sucked the fun out of it and I was so sad and frustrated I wanted to cry! She wouldn't even let me see to take my own guess! I get that maybe she didn't want to confirm the sex because there's a possibility she could have been wrong but at least LOOK! We looked up places I could get an elective ultrasound done and it was over $100 to have it done! I just don't have that kind of money.  Has anyone else been told NO about finding out the sex of their baby?! 😡