Advice: would you do what I'm doing?

So long story short we all live in the same house. my boyfriend got into an arguement with one of his sisters because her kid was throwing stuff off of the banister. Then she started like a yelling/swearing match telling him "so what?". He was angry because her kid has bashed holes in the walls and whatnot. Hes literally busting up the house. Anyway, we all have young kids in the house so I ran upstairs quick and I told her to stop yelling in front of the kids. Then she was all like, "this is none of your business" (but it obviously was my business because my two year old could hear it from the basement). Then she has the audacity to call us "two bitches" when I've been nothing but nice to her in the 7 years I've known her. I honestly dont plan on speaking to her until she apologizes. I do not appreciate being called a bitch for no reason. My boyfriend has borderline personality disorder and at times cannot control his anger and she knows this. She's moving out soon and I honestly dont want to speak to her. The kids still all play together. Any advice?