Well I'm out ladies looks like BFN.


Im sure I'm just real late..or tested to early my LMP dates are probably off by couple days to a week or two tbh idk..

but if AF doesn't show I'm re-test in 1-2 weeks with a better different test Thanks all good luck wishes and baby dust to all..i spotted in March for a couple days my periods are usually 7-10 long medium to heavy flo but bk on 3/20-22 or on 3/28 I spotted one of them weekend's for only 2-3 days ounce a day when I wiped.

my CD been normal from Nov bk..but in Dec to now they been really irregular from 2 periods a month 20cd apart in dec to skipping a period in Jan to 42-44 CD in feb to now..still no AF in March so idk 😫😞😳💔😭

This was my HPT today

This is <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> app today.

This is my Ovia fertility app today..