Waiting for 1 period....

Kristen • Hubby & I have been together 10 years, married 11/8/14. Angel Baby - 10/22/15. Rainbow Baby Girl, Maggie, born 10-18-16!
After my D&C on 10/22 my doctor told me to wait one full period before trying again. At the time I was like "Oh, I don't even know if I'll be ready in 6 months." But just two weeks later my thinking is different. It took 10 months to get pregnant the first time, if it's going to take that long again I don't want to wait, because it will push future pregnancies out farther too. I'm 14 days out from my D&C, I haven't had my first follow up appointment yet....I'm just wondering: Who got pregnant before their first period? Were you told it was safe? How's your pregnancy going now? How far along are you? Thanks! Any advice is welcomed!!