Funny breastfeeding stories


FTM here. My daughter is five weeks old tomorrow, and i have been exclusively breastfeeding and it has been going well. Today however she was cluster feeding. I had just finished feeding her and put her down for a nap, she slept half an hour and woke up extremely fussy and hungry-basically sleep to unrelenting crying with no stops in between. I’m trying to get her positioned to feed in the cradle hold: so picture this-boob out trying to sooth the flailing baby into calming down enough to latch; next thing i know her little hand reaches out and wraps around my nipple and squeezes 😱 which of course HURTS and squirts milk all over her hand. Then, since she can smell the milk on her hand, in her mouth it goes and it was a couple minute battle getting her fist out of her mouth so i could latch her properly with her fussing the whole time 😂. Meanwhile my husband is just laughing his ass off next to me 🤣. I guess after these crazy stressful few weeks i’m just looking for other funny breastfeeding stories other moms have to lift my spirits and let me know i’m not alone lol.