3 hr glucose test prep (Update 1)

So I looked at labcorps prep requirements for the 3 hour glucose test.

Apparently I should be eating at least 150 grams or More of carbs per day. For at least 3 days prior.

I have had to track this, I realize now I probably get less then that a day. Since I am gluten free. This might also be why I failed my 1 hour (stupid me restricted carbs for 2 days before AND fasted inadvertently for like over 14 hours before that one hour test 🤦🏼‍♀️)

Not gonna lie, I wish my doctor gave better instructions before my first test. I swear it's like pulling teeth sometimes to get instructions. Like they are the medical professional! UGH

Update 1:

A nurse practitioner from my doctors office got back to me. Apparently the test prep set forth by labcorp for the 3 hour is correct. Aka: 150 grams or more of carbs per day for 3 days prior, unrestricted physical activity, and then fasting (except water) for at least 8 hours but no more then 14 hours before the test.

I guess since I will be taking it at a labcorp I need to follow those specific guidelines.