What is your baby’s comprehension like?

Dee • Mama to my beautiful baby girl. Born April 2019 💜

So my LO just turned 1 this week and she doesn’t have any words yet. She babbles a lot and says mama and dada and other such things, but never with meaning.

However, her comprehension level is amazing. I know she understands exactly what we’re saying and it’s like she’s learning new words everyday. For example, we ordered a new book for her today (Peekaboo flap book). We read it once and forgot about it. Few hours later I asked her to bring the Peekaboo flap book, she went into the other room and brought it to me.

So while I’m starting to get a little anxious about her not saying a word yet, I’m wondering if her comprehension skills are on-par with her peer group.

What are your kids like in this regard?