Easter Funny !

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

So I don’t have any kids yet. Just two dogs, a kitty, my fiancée! His older brother also rents our basement suite! They live here without their parents. (Across the country from us) and never do anything for Easter! So since I’m around now I felt the need to change that! So I have a big roast dinner on and made them each an “adult” Easter basket! 😂 with extra candy in my fiancées as I’ll share some since liqour is a no go. I think it’s hilarious and they have no idea I have anything planned besides telling them both to be on time for supper tonight!

I wrote little notes that say from your little girl/niece ! She’s due to arrive in July and they both can’t wait to meet her!