Does your S/O waste food after an argument ?

This probably sounds out there, but I’m annoyed and tired of having food go to waste because this guy wants to be childish. Yesterday we got in a stupid argument and I brought up how I’m the one doing all groceries and cooking and paying, yet he stays home doing nothing. Anyways after the argument I went to start cleaning and to take stuff out the freezer for dinner. Dinner came along and I told him the food is on the stove and to help himself (I pretty much always serve him unless I’m annoyed like last night)

I fell asleep on the couch watching a show after and woke up to his plate still there, uncovered and cold. And this morning when I brought up the wasted food he goes “I never asked you for food”

It was literally dinner time and we had an early lunch I assumed he was hungry and I never have had to ask “are you hungry” I cook and he’ll eat it. And then he went on to say it’s my fault I cooked it when I knew he was mad. I told him whether I’m mad or not I always make him dinner and make sure he’s fed and straight. Am I wrong for making dinner like that? It’s something new, like before it was never an issue and now when we fight he becomes possessive, like he will say “that’s my tv” if we just argued and I pick up the remote. Or if I try to smoke a j I hear “that’s my weed” even tho he asked me for $150 to buy it.