Have my first appt tomorrow... Terrified

Jessizu • I wear lots of hats.
Hello angel mommies... I'm 7w4d with my "rainbow" and tomorrow is my first in appointment and I'm terrified... Last time I went to the ob pregnant was when I was told my cervix was open and rushed to l&d and had my son 48 hours later duebto a chorio infection... I'm terrified of that chair.. The stirrups.. The speculum... The gloved hands prodding... Any pap or culture tests... Did anyone else have a sheer feeling of anxiety when they went to the Dr. For their first pregnancy appointment after your loss? We lost Lucas at 23 weeks this past July... We wanted to get pregnant right away and even though I begged to be pregnant it has brought so much fear now with it... I mourn the pleasant carefree pregnancy I had with Lucas until that fateful day... I would love some advice or encouragement if you have any...