I’m so sad

Alicia • 22• Michigan

I know this whole quarantine is affecting everyone. And I also know it’s affecting couples that don’t live together and family members too. I haven’t seen my boyfriend in a month and it could be 2 weeks (if they don’t extend the stay at home order) up to a month or 2.

But my brother has been making me so mad. Hes completely disregarding the fact that traveling to other residents isn’t safe and is continuing to go spend 3 days a week with his fiancé and her family. He’s literally bringing germs back and forth. And it’s making me sad cuz he’s going to see his fiancé but I have to suffer (like everyone else) and he basically thinks he doesn’t have to listen. My moms got asthma and is a nurse, she could give it to us and he could bring it to her family (her parents are not even close to healthy and tbh neither are even her or my brother) and his fiancé and her mom work at u of m. He could bring it home to us. He stayed home for maybe a week and then started going out again xuz “he can’t stay home with my mom” cuz she yells at both of us a lot.

I don’t understand why he would put us and her family at risk just to see her. And she’s going into the medical field and doesn’t care at all?